5 Reasons to Shop at The Hospice Resale Shop this Holiday Season

The Hospice Resale Shop is the perfect place to find affordable gifts this holiday season. Here are five reasons to shop with us!

Thrifting is a great way to find unique pieces that you won’t see anywhere else.

It’s always worth the search for that one-of-a kind treasure. Vintage items often have a deeper meaning and connection than any gift card or fresh out of the factory gift you can give. If you are shopping for someone who enjoys decorating their home with atomic mid-century pieces, you can easily find a reproduction, but by shopping second hand, you just might encounter a true vintage piece that your loved one will treasure.

Buying secondhand helps the environment

Buying gently used and vintage items is a great way to help the environment. Many newer items are produced overseas and require fossil fuels to transport them to stores. But less energy is needed to transport gently used items locally, which is good for our planet.

Did you know that it takes about 1,800 gallons of water to produce a new pair of jeans?  Vintage jeans are trendy, well made and if they were produced up until the 1990s, chances are they were manufactured in America. You’re doing your part to help reduce the demand for thirsty denim by purchasing second hand.

You’ll find lots of special and unique items

The Hospice Resale Shop is full of vintage items and collectibles, giving you lots of gift ideas to choose from. Some items can’t be replicated at a big box store and that’s where we come in! Your mother or friend might have cherished memories of Merry Mushroom canisters on their kitchen shelves, or you may be helping an old family friend add serving pieces from her grandmother’s China set, which was passed down through the generations. Giving gifts like these shows someone how much thought went into finding just the right thing.

You are less likely to encounter shipping delays, damage and porch pirates

We all know that shopping online is convenient, but it can be stressful during the holidays. Delivery services typically deal with a high volume of packages and delays are sure to happen. You may have seen viral videos of people snatching up packages from the delivery truck, or if your dog is outside, your packages may get placed beside your mailbox for easy pickings! Avoid these problems by collecting these items yourself, which may eliminate the risks of misplaced packages and allow more time to enjoy family and friends.

Proceeds go toward helping our community

It is the season of giving, and by shopping at The Hospice Resale Shop, not only are you giving gifts to your friends and loved ones, your purchase is a donation to support the mission of Carolina Caring.

Proceeds from The Hospice Resale Shop further the mission of Carolina Caring by providing support for patients who need financial assistance for Hospice care. The organization’s programs include Cardinal Kids, which provides services to children who face life-threatening illness, and Pet Peace of Mind®, which helps hospice patients meet the needs of their beloved pets.

The Hospice Resale Shop is located in Hickory near Wyke’s Cleaners at 51 14th Avenue Northeast. Stop in and shop with purpose, knowing your support is helping others in our community.

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